Friday, November 7, 2008

Journey to the End of the East River

The Porch is returning to the East River, starting this Sunday, November 9th at 1 pm.

We're not really sure why we ever left. I think there was some identity confusion - are we a church? are we an outreach? But I think we've got that sorted out, at this point.

Yes, we are a church. Sometimes we have a lot of people, sometimes just a few. But I think that's the case with most churches. And yes, we do outreach. Sometimes the two are connected (for example, you can get some warm food and socks on Sunday at the East River and don't need to stick around after that), sometimes they are separate (we are going to start a mobile outreach night during the week, probably starting next week).

Our needs remain the same -- socks, food, money, warm stuff -- not necessarily in that order. But we don't need a building. The East River Park will suit us just fine, thanks. We will keep warm by jumping up and down, dancing, shouting, banging on things, and eating soup. You are welcome to join us, no matter what you have done, are doing or will do. We love you! Same time and place as always - 1 pm, East River Park by the 6th Street bridge.

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