Friday, August 29, 2008

Long overdue

Wow, it's been a ridiculously long time since I last updated this blog. The Porch has gone through a lot in the past month or so, and much of it is probably not worth cataloguing but I'm sure that whoever chooses to lay their eyes on this lovely page might have some interest in the recent developments. Well, to summarize: many things have changed, many have stayed the same.

The summer has come and is nearly gone, the heavy air of humidity giving way to the sublime chill of fall. I can't complain - fall is probably the best season in NYC, weather-wise. But it also means the departure of many of our traveling friends, who start to head out of town around this time of year in search of warmer times for the inevitable winter. After the budget-straining crowds of the first few months, our Sunday numbers have dwindled down and Sundays now seem a bit more random, if not much less hectic! We still meet at East River, but are finding ourselves usually wandering over to Tompkins. Our last big meal at East River was a few weeks ago, and it was probably the last one of the summer. But we still can find several of our friends in and around Tompkins, and there are plenty of people out there who need socks, of course.

The change is not something that we see negatively at all. The nature of what we do and the people that we love mean that we will be constantly changing. Yes, we realize the importance of consistency. But consistency does not mean sticking with one particular method even when the method isn't accomplishing anything. If nothing else, we would be terrible stewards of the resources that we have been blessed with if we continued to make huge meals and just ended up throwing them away. When the winter comes, things will change again. The trick is to keep the processes fluid while remaining true to the vision and heart of the ministry.

Of course, I should add that we have added several wonderful people to our little growing community over the last few months. The slower late summer Sundays have given us, as a community, a chance to get to know each other better and for this I am thankful. Kelly and I could not have gotten to this point alone.

This summer has been the most amazing time -- I can't speak with enough superlatives to describe it without sounding cheezy. We have made so many new friends and spent hours upon hours in the company of beautiful people that we adore. They have welcomed us in to their circles and loved us back. We've had barbeques, wiffle ball games, intense conversations, prayers, and explorations beneath the Coney Island boardwalk. I know that this season is coming to an end for the moment, but a new season is beginning and I cannot wait to see what will happen.