Monday, February 12, 2007

Why do we choose to have solidarity with the poor?

We believe that God is the champion of the fatherless, the widow, and the downtrodden. We believe that poverty and its resulting dehumanization of people are the greatest injustices and works of darkness on this earth. The oppression of the poor is an inexcusable evil in our affluent and technologically advanced society. Poverty could be eradicated if not for the greed and selfishness that darken the hearts of men.

The church is called to be a prophetic presence on the earth. The church is called to declare the message of the kingdom of God -- a radical "new way" of life based on love for God and for others (the greatest commandments). The content of Christ's message is summed up in his call: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near." This repentence implies a change of heart and direction. It means that we refuse to ignore the sufferings of those around us. Instead, we join together with them, and through the "weakness and foolishness" of Christ's cross, declare victory over the powers of oppression.

The church declares this victory by living in community as visible evidence of this "new way."

How can we help people realize their value, beauty and potential?

It all begins with relationship. This means, above all, giving time, walking with people, just hanging out, and paying attention.

It is through these relationships that we discover the gifts and talents of others. For some, they are obvious, or they are more than willing to volunteer their services. For others, it takes a long time to work through the layers of doubt and self-depreciation to see the diamonds beneath.

Once the gifts and talents are discovered, we act as facilitators for allowing these gifts to be used and developed. The community provides the context. Our goal is to develop some kind of venue -- a church service, and arts center, a publication, whatever -- where the community can work together toward a common goal.

How do we plan to do this?

- Outreach - being out on the streets, listening, hanging out, handing out stuff, and most importantly -- loving people face to face

- Listening and becoming aware of needs that we can meet, and finding our niche

-Establishing a gathering place for community events

-Gathering a "core team" of people interested in living in a different way. Meeting together regularly for fellowship, teaching, and building each other up.

Our goals:
1) Assess the needs of our target population
2) Build relationships and discover peoples' gifts, talents and interests
3) Figure out a venue for people to express and practice their talents and gifts
4) Educate ourselves on resources to help people in areas that we can't
5) Find like-minded people, start meeting regularly and building relationships
6) Network/ serve with other social justice-focused organizations
7) Build a "servant mentality" into the DNA and structure of our community

Our mission: why is 141-NYC being created?

- To serve the poor and disenfranchised

-To give invisible people a true realization of their value, beauty and potential

- To provide people from all walks of life the opportunity to serve others in their community

-To foster and demonstrate a community where the values of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are put into practice

-To resist and oppose injustice, poverty, racism, classism, and the false and destructive "values" of greed, commercialism and image-obsession that rule our culture and society

What is 141-NYC?

141-NYC is a dream and a vision for a better world, starting at the source: the community. It is a community drawn together by a message of hope that is relevant for both this world and the next.

At its most basic level, 141-NYC is the heart and dream of Brian and Kelly Petersen. It is our vision to help create a community in the beautiful, amazing city of New York where people are loved face to face, walls are broken down, and assumptions are challenged.

Our heart is for the disenfranchised and downtrodden. We seek to identify with those who society refuses to see: the rejected, the outcast, the "invisible people." Some call them street kids, homeless, or vagrants. We simply call them the poor, and we believe in a God who loves the poor unfailingly.

141-NYC is a new project, a cross-coastal expansion of the 141 organization based in Portland, Oregon. For the last 2 1/2 years we have spent countless hours with 141, experiencing the privelege of getting to know some of the amazing people living on the streets of downtown Portland. We have laughed, cried, told stories, and listened to the stories of others. We have brought socks, pastries, hoodies and hand warmers to those in need, but mostly we have just hung out. We have discovered beautiful people that have touched our lives, and we hope that through our lives God's grace has touched theirs.

As much as we love our friends in downtown Portland, we believe that a great thing should not be kept isolated. 141 is a unique concept in both the church and social service worlds. It is truly a revolution, and we believe it has the power to change the world. So our desire is to spread the revolution and to help it gain footholds in new territories and among new people.

Right now, 141-NYC is a vision and a plan. It is a framework waiting for flesh. We need your prayers and your help to make it a reality. Will you partner with us in showing God's unfailing love to those the world has cast aside?

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Welcome to 141NYC

Welcome to the temporary and unofficial home of 141NYC. This site will serve as our journal, informational portal, and our sketchpad for ideas in the formative stages of 141NYC. Right now, a blog seems to be the most expedient way to get the word out -- we are able to update constantly, throw around new ideas and get feedback, and provide a way for those interested in what we are doing to find out a little more about us. Of course, we will eventually upgrade to a real, live website, but at this point in the game it's probably unnecessary.

We welcome your comments and suggestions, and your correspondence. This site is currently under construction, but soon we hope to have our basic mission and vision statements up for all to peruse, as well as contact info and even a tip jar for those that would like to contribute. Feel free to look around and enjoy, and make sure to say hello!