Monday, February 12, 2007

Why do we choose to have solidarity with the poor?

We believe that God is the champion of the fatherless, the widow, and the downtrodden. We believe that poverty and its resulting dehumanization of people are the greatest injustices and works of darkness on this earth. The oppression of the poor is an inexcusable evil in our affluent and technologically advanced society. Poverty could be eradicated if not for the greed and selfishness that darken the hearts of men.

The church is called to be a prophetic presence on the earth. The church is called to declare the message of the kingdom of God -- a radical "new way" of life based on love for God and for others (the greatest commandments). The content of Christ's message is summed up in his call: "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near." This repentence implies a change of heart and direction. It means that we refuse to ignore the sufferings of those around us. Instead, we join together with them, and through the "weakness and foolishness" of Christ's cross, declare victory over the powers of oppression.

The church declares this victory by living in community as visible evidence of this "new way."

1 comment:

ritchie said...

Love it--the church at it's most basic level. I would characterize this as a vision from Jesus himself. You guys will be walking the streets of NYC in his shoes.